PureAqua Water Sytem
The PureAqua water dispensing sytem is the most attractive and highest performing bottled water system in North America. This system purifies the city water supply using a process called ‘Reverse Osmosis”.
What is Reverse Osmosis?
Revers Osmosis is a process that effectively removes more than 95% of all contaminants from the drinking water supply. Some of the common contaminants removed are:
– Lead
– Chlorine
– Nirtates
– Arsenic
– Pesticides
– THM’s
– Pharmaceuticals
How does Reverse Osmosis work?
Pressurized water is froced through a semi-permeable membrane which rejects the contaminants suspended in the water and allows only pure water molecules to pass.
For more information contact us at the store or visit www.blakelypropertyservices.com